Turn your replies into posts


Content Creation

Social Media

The Tactic

Part of my LinkedIn strategy consists on:

Identifying top players in my nicheLeave meaningful comments on their postsSo they engage with me & I get exposure to their audience ç

For that strategy to work, the comments need to be good.

A simple "Great post, bro" won’t do.

I mean an actual, thoughtful comment that takes me a bit to write.

The thing is, I realized these comments could be Posts.

And I leave around 10 to 20 of those a day! So those are 10-20 potential posts that just need a bit of tweaking.

So what I've been doing is:

  • Seeing which of these replies gets attention (engagement)

  • Copy-paste them into Taplio

  • Schedule it for the future

Now, my comment strategy is also fueling my content strategy.

🕵️‍♂️ How to Steal it?

Forget what the gurus say that you need to write 50 replies a day.

With 10 is more than enough, as long as these replies are thoughtful.

Here’s how:

➔ Add your thoughts to the original post

➔ Spark a conversation or join an existing one

➔ Ask a thoughtful question so the original poster or others can reply

Pay attention to which of these get more engagement and then, repurpose them into a new post.

To maximize your chances, focus on doing these replies under accounts with a big audience so your reply gets more exposure.

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