

Social Media


Own a color


Content Creation

Social Media

The Tactic

Imagine this: You are scrolling through Twitter’s or LinkedIn’s white pristine feed (or using dark mode if you are a weirdo).

Everything looks plain and boring until a spark of color makes you strop the scroll.

It’s a yellow profile picture that immediately contrasts with your plain feed and makes you stop and read the content

This is why some creators (like me 👋) have a high-contrast colored background on their profile pictures.

They catch your attention by breaking the pattern with a strong color. This effect gets even better if we add pictures to the mix.

Even companies are starting to think like this!

🕵️‍♂️ How to Steal it?

One of the first things I ever did when I started building my Twitter audience was pick one color for my profile background.

The fuel behind this idea was this quote: "Make one decision to eliminate 1,000 decisions."

Besides the mentioned attention-grabbing effects, picking one color helps non-designer people like me worry less.

The idea was (and still is) to use that color for EVERYTHING.

Upload a picture? Use that background

Make a visual? Use that background

and so on.

Owning a color also applies to any social platform. I've seen people "own colors" on LinkedIn, Instagram, and even Youtube!

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