Open more curiosity gaps


Content Creation


The Tactic

Random Youtuber: “I set my house on fire and THIS happened”

Me: What? What happened? I NEED to know.

Humans are driven by curiosity.

That’s why everyone clicks on the internet. Or better said, they create curiosity gaps.

A curiosity gap is a tactic to spark interest in your content by presenting incomplete information, like a puzzle with missing pieces.

Here’s an example of a Curiosity gap in action:

"Until? Until what? Tell me MORE!"

You know you need to read it.

🕵️‍♂️ How to steal it?

Use Curiosity Gaps to hook your audience in. But don’t leave them hanging. It’s only clickbait if you don’t deliver on your promise.

How to use it effectively?

Social → Use it “above the fold,” meaning before the text gets cut off

Newsletter → On the subject line

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