Offer a to-go version of your membership



Digital Product

The Tactic

Last week, I canceled my membership in Greg Isenberg’s community.

The reasons have nothing to do with the membership or Greg himself but my lack of time and focus.

I received a “sad to see you go” email, which is quite common. But inside that email, there was an offer I didn’t expect:

→ A to-go version of the membership content!

The membership was $99/mo; the biggest value is usually the people and interaction inside. The content takes a backseat.

However, people often don’t have time to engage with the community (in my case), so they cancel.

That means a lost customer.

But what if you offered them a special offer on their way out that included part of the value of that membership (just the content)?

They are likely to take it.

And you capture a part of that revenue that would be lost anyway.

Here’s what that offer looked like 👇

Needless to say, I pulled the trigger!

🕵️‍♂️ Stolen from Community Empire

🕵️‍♂️ How to Steal it?

If you run a community/subscription product, add a to-go version.

Make that offer part of your “goodbye” sequence.

And don’t forget to make it time-sensitive and anchor the price, just like the example!

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