Double down on proven content formats

Content Creation

Social Media
The Tactic
I noticed something while looking at some creators’ top posts (you know, for stealing purposes 🕵️♂️).
Their most liked posts of all time had certain "post structures" that were frequently repeated.
Let me show you an example:

It’s the same structure! Even almost the same topics. And all with a 1-month difference between the two.
Let me show you another example:

So why does this happen?
I'll let Chip and Dan Heath, authors of Made to Stick explain:
“If you want to spread your ideas to other people, you should work within the confines of the rules that have allowed for other ideas to succeed over time”
One thing that EVERY top creator does is:
Work with proven structures (or templates if you prefer)
Repeat those structures over time
“But hey Alex, using templates feels less authentic”
I get the concern, but let me counter that with a very simple analogy: cooking
What happens every time you cook something?
You follow a recipe (or template 😉)
You follow the same "structure", with the same ingredients.
You may change something here and there, but the structure (and the result) are often the same.
If what you say has value, putting it on an already proven structure doesn’t make it less authentic.
Instead, it increases its likelihood of being read/shared.
🕵️♂️ How to steal it?
Using proven content structures or templates can significantly contribute to the success of your social media posts and content.
These structures have been tried and tested, making them effective in capturing your audience's attention.
By embracing proven content structures and incorporating your unique perspective and voice, you can strike a balance between authenticity and effectiveness.
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