Create a free tool


Digital Product
The Tactic
Side project marketing (aka building a free tool to drive traffic to your main thing) works.
Here's Dan Kulkov's playbook
Your free tool needs to be divided into 2:
Free value delivery (your free tool's promise). This needs to provide REAL value and be useful as a standalone product.
Email capture, where you promise 2x the results of the free tool if they leave their email.
Once they leave their email, they should enter a short email sequence in which you upsell your paid product.
This playbook has generated over $100,000 for their FounderPal and Makerbox projects.
🕵️♂️ How to Steal it?
Find one big pain point your audience has (for example, coming up with content ideas)
Create a free tool that solves it (like an idea generator)
Create an email capture that promises to deliver 2x the content ideas if they leave their email
Once in the email sequence, keep giving value while upselling your paid product (which needs to be linked to the initial mission of the free tool)
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