
Be the "reply guy"


Audience Growth


The Tactic

This is how Ben Tosell from Ben’s Bites (100k subs AI newsletter) gets some of his subscribers from social media:

He becomes a reply guy on Twitter/X.

Whenever a post about a new AI Tool or any trending news on the industry goes semi-viral on X, he replies with a link to his newsletter:

Yes, that’s it.

Some of those replies get ignored, but others gather a ton of engagement and views (and new subs).

And the only thing it takes is a subtle plug.

🕵️‍♂️ How to Steal it?

If you run a curation newsletter, pay attention to viral posts on your niche (especially on X).

There are a few ways you can do this:

  • Create an X list with top accounts in your niche

  • Or set up notifications for specific accounts

Then, have a prepared newsletter plug you can quickly copy-paste when one of your target posts goes viral.

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