Send an Anniversary gift to your subscribers




The Tactic

Josh Spector from the FTI newsletter does something I’ve never seen any other creator do:

Josh sends an anniversary gift whenever a subscriber hits a time subscribed milestone (like 6 months subscribed).

This gift is a 50% discount on a lower-priced product.

If the subscriber redeems it, they get a new email. This new email has an upsell to get into Josh’s membership (his flagship product).

From what Josh says, this offer converts pretty well!

And it makes sense: If you have been a follower for over 6 months, you already know Josh and trust him.

If he presents one of his offers with a big discount, you will likely buy it.

This is a good example of using your audience’s data in your favor.

And it’s unexpected value. Who doesn’t love a good anniversary gift?

🕵️‍♂️ How to steal it?

Whenever a new subscriber joins your email, if you use an ESP like ConvertKit, they are normally added into a welcome sequence.

Add an email to that welcome sequence set to be sent 6 months after they subscribe with your anniversary gift. You’ll need to have a digital product to do so too!

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